My day to day poems and thoughts as I stroll "The Long and Winding Road" of life, please add your poems,pros,and thoughts as we walk this road together ! Life is interesting for ALL,and we are ALL interested in Life !
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Sunday, 27 December 2009

"Naughty Santa"
Merry Christmas Rudolf said,
As Santa Clause rolled out of bed.
Your at it again you drunken git,
And you've dropped us all in the sh.t!
The rest of us won't fly tonight.
A drunken driver, that isn't right!
The boys and girls will be left to pine.
Because of you, we're loosing time!
The Christmas elves will do the job.
Your getting old you silly sod.
Time and again you've been told!
Now it's time, your out in the cold.
It's Christmas Eve, we have to fly.
Places to go we have to try.
Fill the socks of those girls and boys.
With lots and lots of gifts and toys.
So when you hear his call tonight.
Remember Santa, he was a sight!
We left him home, drunk in bed.
So it's an elf-en Christmas you'll have instead!!!!!!!!!
The End of the Year
The end of the year is coming soon.
Twelve long months, that was full of gloom!
It's been hard, it's been fraught.
In those twelve long months, we've all been hurt!
Recession, Recession is all I hear.
There was nothing here for us to cheer.
So let's look forward, and wave goodbye.
To a year that has hurt, and that's NO lie!
2009 is fading away.
The light is going, the end of the day.
A bright new dawn will rise and shine.
This great "New Year" will come in time.
Friday, 25 December 2009
Looking Forward !!!!!
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
"What A Christmas Present" !!!!!!!!!
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Seasons Greetings
Monday, 30 November 2009
The Star
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Faithful Friends !!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 14 November 2009
Friday, 13 November 2009
She sits in her room
Curtains closed
As the tears stream
Down her beautiful face.
Their record still ringing
In her ears......
She asks herself
The clock ticks
And ticks away
Minutes become hours
Hours become days.
But still she asks
The answer can only
Come from within!
As the dawn breaks
She dries her eyes
Opens her window to the world
Another day, another challenge
Life will go on
She will survive
That beautiful face
Will smile once again!
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Angels of Mercy
With smiles on their faces
And passion in their heart
They float on air.
And they look so smart?
Smart in dress.
And smart in mind.
Gifted with people.
You're sure tol find?
Oh how they work.
Healing the sick.
These "Angels of Mercy"
Never missing a trick.
We thank you nurses.
For the work you do.
Without your devotion.
We would never come through???
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Save Us!!
Pay your money and walk inside.
I'm sure there's nothing here to hide.
But are we sure I ask myself!
So come with me I hope to show.
Some of the things I think must go!
Tall dark fences many feet high.
Empty pits were they must have died.
So why do we pay! Look and stare.
Because most of us here just don't care!
From overseas they often came.
In crates or baskets, who's to blame!
Why import these beautiful things!
I'm sure we don't know what pain it brings!
Behind these fences bars and walls.
Come loud unhappy blood curdling calls.
Are they happy, are they sad!
I'm sure in my mind it must be bad.
So release the animals, birds and fish
And give us our entire hopeful wish.
Those creatures of the world are free.
To roam the land for ALL to see.
Let's come together and fight the cause.
Start right now don't even pause.
To see these animals walk this land.
I one day hope that Zoo's are banned.
A Winters Tale
People are rushing to and fro.
Hustle and bustle with nowhere to go.
Stores are closing, end of the day.
Time for home I hear you say!
It's late in the evening.
The lights have come on.
The sun has set, but hasn't quite gone!
December is time to wrap up warm.
Home in doors way from the storm.
Ice and snow play a very big part.
On the cover of every Christmas card.
Holly and ivy, red berries too.
It's all part of Christmas that will come to you.
The fire burns bright on Christmas day.
As we sit and watch the children play.
Paints and games sweets and toys.
The look on the faces of those girls and boys.
The lights turned down, they've gone to bed.
But the Christmas spirit is far from dead.
Twenty four hours and they'll start again.
So it's rest and sleep and dream till then.
Just let it go
ALONE! this autumn morn.
Wind in the trees, sun in the sky.
Shadows dance on marble stones
And still we wonder why!
Leaves swirl, cones drop.
It's not cold,
It's autumn!
Colours flash by my eyes, so bold!
Heart oval, square and round.
Gifts, tokens of love.
Adorn this ground.
For you and I to see.
I know I ask this question why!
There is NO answer,
NO reason.
Just let it go.
And say "Goodbye"
Monday, 19 October 2009
One year on!
Twelve months on
It's very hard.
To say we miss you
What use is a card!
It seems like yesterday
That you were here.
Running around
Without any fear!
But now you're gone
To a better place.
Rest your head
With that smile on your face.
William our friend
We'll never forget.
We thank God
For the lad we met.
Your years were short
But your legacy lives on
Through friends and family
You'll go "ON and on"
Thursday, 15 October 2009

Autumn Leaves
The autumn leaves are falling
Falling fast to the ground.
Autumn leaves are falling
Without even making a sound?
Red, Gold and brown
A carpet all around.
The leaves, they keep falling
Never making a sound?
But what sound should they make
As they fall to the ground?
The leaves they keep falling
Just listen for the sound?
Soon the snow will cover
This blanket on the ground.
But deep below the surface
These leaves will still be found.
Frozen, stiff and wilted
The leaves are on the ground.
But they'll be back again next year
So listen for that sound?
Thursday, 8 October 2009

After the raids
My friends and I just sat and stared.
Crushed and broken.
Smouldering in the smoke filled air.
We were "Kids"
The bombs had dropped.
City on fire.
No water, no power, no roads!
What's going to happen to "US"
We just sat, and sat for a very long time.
Where was mum!
Where was dad!
Are they safe......
Tears ran down our face
We held hands, and wished
Wished the world was a better place!
We looked at each other and said.
"It will be one day"
Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Why us!
A grey cloudy November night.
The air was filled with "worry"
Few stars were out.
Why us!
Suddenly a drone filled the air.
The siren started.
And the sky was lit like a Christmas tree.
Why us!
Search lights scanned the black depths.
Picking out our unwanted visitors.
Screaming, whistling, and howling.
Words can't describe the devastation.
That was about to descend on us!!!!!!!
Why us!
This was the night of "Hell"
Our lives would never be the same.
We have to be strong for each other
The tears rolled down my face,
Why us!
Coventry was crushed, on its knees.
They had come to inflict hurt and pain.
And that's just what they did.
One night of terror, one night of horror.
Why us!
The story has been told many times.
We ALL know the outcome of that night.
BUT the "City" and its people were rebuilt.
And we still ask the question.
Why us!
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Broken Body!
(Man flu or Not!!!)
Heart beat echoes,
Like a banging drum.
Pulse is racing
Is there more to come!
Head is pounding
Hot or Cold!
Throat is raw, like broken glass
Hope this pain is not going to last!
Is it a fever!
Is it a cold!
Is it anything!
Or am I just getting old!
The pain will go
The fever will pass
I'm not ill!
Just look in the glass!
The glass is empty
The potion is gone
I'm feeling better
The body's not wrong!
On my weekly visit to my local cemetery to visit my dad's grave, I came across this note written by my teenage son (Matthew)
It's just something I thought I should share!!!!!!!
To Grandad
I know you can't read this yourself!
But it's just a little note, to say
"Thank You" for all the happy times we shared.
Now you have gone, we miss you so much
But you will never be forgotten, you will
Be in our hearts and memory forever.
Well I am off to live in Manchester soon
And only wish you were here too se me off.
But I know you're looking down, and wishing me
All the very best.
So all in all, hope that you're well up there,
Looking down and feeling proud.
R.I.P. Grandad
Love ...... Matty xxxx
Monday, 28 September 2009
Let the Side Show Begin
Step right up
Roll a penny!
Throw a dart!
Hook a duck!
It can't be hard?
Smell the onions
Hotdogs too
Toffee apples
Just for you.
Open your ears
Listen to the sound
Screams of delight
As they go round and round.
Engines purring
Puffing away
Flashing lights
By night or day.
Young or Old
With a smile on their face
Money in their pockets
The "Fair" is the place.
"A Pretty Amazing Man"
(Our Dad)
Many thanks to all my dads' family and friends for attending his service today. Most of you will know him through work or pleasure from the Homefire Plant Kerseley or Newdigate Social Club Smorrall Lane (many a social event held here)
There are a few people here today that have known my dad a lot longer than most, Alan & Isobel Cardell and family have known him for nearly 50 years, and they have been great friends throughout those long hard years.
I say HARD because there are something's that many people here today are not aware of and I would like to share some of these to show the HARD but enjoyable life he had.
Let's start at the beginning, born in 1931 into a hard working Northern mining family, one of 13 children (No television!) A HARD childhood but took everything thrown at him. Went to school until the age of 14 but left with NO qualifications and barely able to read or write ( he was no academic ) But he made his way through life without a struggle and was not hindered by his lack of schooling.
At 14 he entered the mans world of the coal mines, in those days they used pit ponies (he knew them all by name) this was HARD.
Married in 1953 (before you start counting I am 54!) still working in the mine with very little money and looking for a place to call home. My dad left the mine in the late 50s and did various other jobs like milkman (with a horse and cart!) and a hodcarrier on a building site, but still NO house to call a home!
So what did he do! We went to live in a farmer's field, in a caravan! (Ask Alan Cardell)
As mum and dad have said many times over the last 50 years "these were some of the best years" We stayed in this caravan on 2 different sites for the next 6/7 years, there are many stories to be told from these years but it would take hours maybe worth writing a book! One thing I will say is that if anyone had seen the size of this caravan you could not understand how 7 people lived in it! Here again the word HARD springs to mind, that's not just dad but the whole family.
Eventually we did get a house (made of bricks) and as a family thought we had hit the big time (well at least I did) it was about 10 miles from the old caravan but a world away in life style. But that word again HARD - out of work, no money, and just the day to day struggle made life difficult. But he kept his chin up, dug deep and got on with life.
In 1965 he left his wife and family of 5 children and travelled to Bedworth!!!!!!
(This was the end of the world for a Geordie miner!) With an offer from the then N.C.B. to work at the Homefire Plant Kerseley. He lodged in Kerseley for the next 12 months making life long friendships with the likes of Pete Connelly and but once again I hear that word HARD no family made it a very trying time.
But suddenly the door opened and the dark clouds started to pass over! It was 1966 England had just won the world cup and the Richardson family were on the move. We crossed the Tyne rail bridge heading south out of the industrial North East towards Warwickshire. A journey into the great unknown, but an adventure for us 5 kids but again it was HARD moving house and family 250 miles " BUT HE DID IT "
Not to long after coming to Warwickshire the family was complete David was born.
The job at the Homefire Plant was going well, kids had found new friends and settled in school and everything seemed to fall into place. I think by now the rest of dads family up North were thinking their brother had become a bit of a snob! But that was far from the truth; he travelled back as often as possible and never forgot his Northern roots. He had moved on, left the North East and was making a better life for his family and himself but in my eyes this was HARD and took guts and internal strength (That's our Dad!)
The last 43 years have thrown up many challenges, not least a miners strike and early retirement but all he took in his stride and got on with what he had to do "Work Hard" and enjoy life to the full.
We will ALL miss you Dad!!!!!
But we will NEVER FORGET the man we call "OUR DAD"
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Do not stand!
Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glint in the snow.
I am the sunlight on the ripened grain.
I am the fresh gentle autumn rain.
When you wake in the morning hush.
It's me that gives you that uplifting rush.
It's calm and quiet those birds in flight.
I am the starlight on a clear night.
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there, I did not die!
Thursday, 17 September 2009
"Gone but not forgotten"
No more presents, not even a card.
Your time of passing for us is hard!
Rest in peace, with all your thoughts.
Although for us you know it hurts!
One day you were here, and then you were gone!
Not enough time for everyone.
To say goodbye, and a sad farewell.
For a husband, father and granddad as well.
What more can I say on this sad Fathers Day!
Only to wish you had not gone away.
Out of our lifes, but not our heart.
We will remember every year with a CARD
Life goes on I can hear you say.
And I am sure one day that will be the way.
But until then we stick together.
And remember you for ever and ever
Food for Thought!
My name is Bunter, Billy of course.
That fun loving lad that eats' like a horse.
My stomach is fat, solid and round.
But I move very quietly never making a sound.
Stealing food is an obsession of mine!
To make a feast to have a good time.
When boys and girls are wrapped up tight.
I creep out slowly in the dead of night.
Fat is fun, so people say!
Happy and bubbly you're supposed to stay.
But the truth of the matter is here to see.
Depressed and lonely is all you'll be.
Now I have a friend called Dina-mite.
She's chunky and strong and knows how to fight.
But she too needs to lose some weight.
To fight the flab before it's too late.
So with your help and a guiding arm.
We'd love to try a little health farm.
The clean fresh air would do us good.
And pump us full of fresh new blood.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Why oh why I hear you cry.
As you wipe away that tear.
Is it me! Is it you!
Now it's becoming clear
The fight is real, we chase the cause.
No matter what it brings.
For in our hearts we know the truth.
It's life, its love and wonderful things.
These things are yours to cherish.
With family and your friends.
So keep that smile upon your face.
As friendship NEVER ends!
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Treat of the Day
Your friends arrive from near and far.
They've come by bus, not by car!
You share your humble fare together.
These friends are yours for ever and ever.
Your daughter is happy playing away.
Not a care in the world, it's a wonderful day.
Special times with special friends.
Barmy spring days, without any ends!
You laugh and you joke, enjoying your time.
As the world passes by, and oh how I pine!
Those days are golden, and treasured by all
When friends come calling, you're all having a ball.
So capture those memories, lock them away.
Keep safe and sound for another "Great Day"
Monday, 14 September 2009
Understanding !

A Scented Gift

Sunday, 13 September 2009
Saturday, 12 September 2009

Thursday, 10 September 2009
"Look Deep inside yourself"
"Was This" !
Monday, 7 September 2009

Sunday, 30 August 2009
Sunday morning ( Up with the lark? )

Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Oh what a day??????
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Four bare legs

Four bare legs,and without any arms
there it stands with all it's charms.
A hidden gem from years gone by
left in a room,
left to cry!
It's a lonely life in solitude
on your own and left to brood.
But a careful caress from a loving hand
this chair I think we need to sand.
Take it out of all that doom
and give it pride of place in the
"Living Room"
Is it Because !!!!!!!

A Little Ray Of Sunshine

A golden ray of sunshine
surrounded by a cloak of green!
With arms stretched to the sun
sucking every ounce of energy.
This lonely beauty
entangled in a web of deceit.
But strong and vibrant she stands
her head held high with pride.
I am that ray of sunshine
that will brighten up your life!
Bringing peace,
harmony and love
to all the world.
Through this little
"Ray of Sunshine"
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Sweet,Sweet Friend

Sat on my own on a summers day
lunch box open in a casual way.
Out of my eye I caught a flash
a small red breast in a dark green patch.
The smell of the grass,fresh mown today
left much longer,it would have turned to hay!
The sun is hot,the summers here
but up in a tree my friend is near.
There is NO snow,
NO frosty morn
my friend the "Robin" is not long born.
He comes to share my lunch each day
perched on a branch not far away.
I often chat,
and say hello
to my little feathered friend.........
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Prayers Answered ( Thank You )

The hand reaching out
too touch the "World"
My prayers were answered
flags unfurled.
My friend came through
a dismal time.
pain and worry.
Better times lie ahead
my friend,my friend
"NO MORE" dread.
The pain will ease,your spirits lift
health and happiness
Order of the day.
New Day
New Dawn
"New Beginning"
Sunday, 7 June 2009

The moon casts a shadow
over the end of day sun.
That rich golden syrupy
ball in the sky.
The moon takes over
when the sun fades away.
Another big event
at the end of the day.
Lovers gaze into
each others eyes
As the moon casts it's shadow
that's no big surprise.
So give thanks to the sun
at the end of the day.
As it opens the gates for
the "Moon" on it's way.
The Whispering Grass

Whispering grass
I cant hear!
I've opened my eyes,
and listen with my ears!
The sun makes you golden,
ripe and rich.
The rain cool and wet,
but that causes a hitch.
So let the grass whisper,
as the wind blows a kiss.
Through the wild,wild flowers
and the plants that we've missed.
The summer is here
lets hope it lasts
So open your ears
and listen to.
"The Whispering Grass"