The sky at night,oh what a sight?
Stars are like lights
on a christmas tree
And light up the sky,for you and me.
The stars kissed the moon
as they flash through the air.
Through the black inky emptiness
they create such a flare.
The galaxy is "Big"
a never ending sea
of emptiness and colour
But what do you see?
The moon,
if we are lucky!
Or the odd shooting star.
So lift your eyes to the heavens
Say "Thanks to "Your" God
As the light show in the sky
is "Heaven on earth.
You're on great form with this and the previous post!! Both are fabulous poems.
Pity we can only see a few of the many billions of stars from the city streets!!! It's always an amazing sight when I find a dark sky...
Cheers Paul,just picked up the pen and it flows (Sometimes!)
Not sure how I do it,as I find it very difficult to spell
( I think I maybe dyslexic but never tested? - Not now to old?)
Dictionary comes in very handy,and spell check of course.
Thanks again,
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