My name is Bunter, Billy of course.
That fun loving lad that eat’s like a horse.
My stomach is fat, solid and round.
But I move very quietly never making a sound.
Stealing food is an obsession of mine !
To make a feast to have a good time.
When boys and girls are wrapped up tight.
I creep out slowly in the dead of night.
Fat is fun, so people say !
Happy and bubbly your supposed to stay.
But the truth of the matter is here to see.
Depressed and lonely is all you’ll be.
Now I have a friend called Dyna-mite.
She’s chunky and strong and knows how to fight.
But she too needs to lose some weight.
To fight the flab before it’s to late.
So with your help and a guiding arm.
We’d love to try a little health farm.
The clean fresh air would do us good.
And pump us full of fresh new blood.
ME too,but it's the age thing!....
enjoy life,and a little what you fancy does you good,or so they say !!!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha you do my Soul good, you.
I'm glad it made you smile Sarah - a lot of my stuff is a little sad at times,but thats what I see,thats what I write.
Thanks,and keep looking in !!!
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